Ringley is an operating partner that supports residential landlords with asset and property management as well as service charge management and a range of building surveying and building improvement services. We are also provide niche property law services through our Solicitors practice, Ringley Law. Our focus is on asset management and value add as through sound estate management strategies underpinning estate wide policies that improve homes and so our residents feel at home and love where they live.

Why Are Estate Management Schemes Important
Estate management schemes, such as the South Kensington Estate Management Scheme are vital to ensure continuity of the wealth of history that sits within historic estates such as South Kensington as well as to ensure efficient management of the estate that adheres to various regulations and acts applicable to real estate. Ultimately, the purpose of the South Kensington Estate management scheme is preserve and enhance intrinsic, perceived and real value which is of course a benefit owners, leaseholders and residents alike
Of paramount importance is conservation, this in part is achieved by the Local Authority implementing the right planning policies and creating greater awareness of all players including the general public as to the environment’s fragility. Arguably the façade is a public asset and so the value of our historic London estates must not be misused.
As planning policies alone are not enough, the South Kensington Estate Management Scheme is a formal scheme that runs with the land (landowner to landowner) and is enforceable on all leaseholders too. The scheme sets out principles and regulations and sanctions against illegal alteration or neglect the basic maintenance or upkeep of the property in the interests of preserving the nature and quality of the estate, which overrides an individual owner’s personal ambitions
The result is preservation of architectural quality, consideration of neighbours’ interests and an impact assessment of any proposals on not only the building but also the or the effect of the area and its surroundings in line with not only planning but also the South Kensington Estate Management Scheme policy.
Why The South Kensington Estate Must Be Conserved?
The townscape and architectural design of South Kensington and the areas surrounding it had a deep influence on how the area was developed. While over time we see distinct changes in the architectural styles, there is still a common thread that runs through the region in terms of the layout of squares, crescents, and terraces. Preserving the feel of these common threads is core purpose.
Conservation Through Legislative Planning
Numerous post-war legislation introduced since the 1947 Town & Country Planning Act have provided frameworks that give greater appreciation of the importance of the built heritage, particularly in important inner-city areas: the aim being to maintain a connection with the past by restricting drastic design and layout changes.
Numerous post-war legislation introduced since the 1947 Town & Country Planning Act have provided frameworks that give greater appreciation of the importance of the built heritage, particularly in important inner-city areas: the aim being to maintain a connection with the past by restricting drastic design and layout changes.

Conservation Through Estate Management Policy Leasehold enfranchisement
The leasehold enfranchisement legislation began in 1967 for properties meeting the prescribed rateable value. It stressed the need to conserve the important estates and incorporated provisions for creating Estate Management Schemes.
The leasehold enfranchisement legislation began in 1967 for properties meeting the prescribed rateable value. It stressed the need to conserve the important estates and incorporated provisions for creating Estate Management Schemes.
The leasehold enfranchisement legislation began in 1967 for properties meeting the prescribed rateable value. It stressed the need to conserve the important estates and incorporated provisions for creating Estate Management Schemes.
The Scheme Explained
The Purpose of the South Kensington Estate Management Scheme
The purpose of the scheme was to enable the landlord to regulate the development work in partnership with the owners.
Whom Does It Affect?
All property owners are required by law to meet the obligations and conditions of the Scheme. This includes the enfranchised owners who have purchased houses under the Leasehold Reform Acts.
The Obligations And Conditions Of The Scheme And How Can They Be Enforced?
An owner’s obligations are set out in the Scheme covenants. The landlord can legally enforce the terms and conditions contained therein as well as the covenants in the lease. There are restrictions under the First Schedule with regard to nuisance, alterations to a property, appearance of the property, and trees on the property. The Scheme also requires the leaseholders to keep the house in good condition, maintain the garden areas, allow periodic inspections, respect the laws and make good any breaches by paying for the work. They are also expected to insure the property and make good any damages. They must also share the cost of maintenance of things that are commonly used.
Block Painting
Block painting refers to the painting of the street elevations (generally a terrace) of all the houses in a block or property. By specifying the paint colour homage is paid to the original architects who set out to present the development as a series of unified terraces instead of a collection of individual houses.
The Scheme allows block painting to be carried out regularly. However, it allows the owners and leaseholders of a block to opt for any of the two options for its implementation. They can decide through a Block Representative or follow the procedures mentioned in the second schedule. This entails bearing the cost of painting themselves. They can also allow the landlord to arrange the painting and then charge back the costs.

Management of the Garden Squares
Thurloe and Alexander Squares are in the ownership of the landlord. However, the South Kensington Estate Scheme allows them to delegate the management of the Garden Squares and set a framework for this.
Thurloe and Alexander Squares are in the ownership of the landlord. However, the South Kensington Estate Scheme allows them to delegate the management of the Garden Squares and set a framework for this.
Representation Of Owners And Leaseholders
The Scheme allows owners and leaseholders of unenfranchised property to be on an Executive Committee – so they can participate in and discuss the operation of the Scheme and ensure its smooth implementation. The Executive Committee has equal representation from all areas of the Estate and must meet at least once a year.
Maintaining A Register
For smooth running of the Estate, there are established procedures for notifying a change of ownership of freehold properties as it is vital to have up-to-date and accurate ownership details.

Sharing the Cost
The Scheme states that the cost of all reasonable expenses reasonably incurred by the Executive Committee must be equally shared by all the owners.
Policies Under The Scheme
Alterations to the external fabric of the building are only permitted with the consent of the landlord and must be approved by the Local Authority. Applications for alterations must be clearly specified through drawings and submitted to Ringley as Landlord’s Agent. The proposals are processed and, if approved, will be licensed by the solicitors of the landlord. The applicant is obliged to pay any reasonable professional fees incurred by the landlord and must also allow the inspection of work right through the completion stage.
Applicants are expected to study and know the detailed guidelines to the Estate policies before proposing any alteration that can affect the external appearance of your house.